Hello there, Traders!
Today I want to tell you about ONE investment that I have found, that ALWAYS pays off. This particular investment is one that can be made at any time in your career, from when you are twelve years old cutting grass, to ninetey-something sitting on a huge nest egg, the cumulative sum of all your years of stewarding your work and finances.
That investment is… YOURSELF. Your education, that is.
As much as you know, you always can learn a bit more.
Today’s question comes from a RadioActive Trading Webinar attendee that asks if his nest egg of $3,000 is good to trade RadioActively. Now, folks that know my story know that I began my “RadioActive Profit Machines” with only $2500 in capital back in October 2002. However..! In honesty we had to let this Trader know that we don’t recommend trading with that small a sum. RadioActive Trading is all about responsible position sizing, and a few thousand dollars is not enough capital to practice that.
Greg in the office wrote this fella and gently advised him not to trade options just yet. His answer was right on the money… no pun intended… but I felt as though I better follow up.
See, my experience is that when you tell someone that they don’t have enough money to trade, the usual first move they take is to ignore that advice and go buy a course from someone that tells them that they DO. That’s a treacherous ‘course’ for them to take, yes? YES.
So, here was my reply to James, the fella that posed the question. It may seem a bit self-serving because I recommended that he buy MY book… The Blueprint… but when I think about it, there are few options trading courses that I possibly could recommend in clear conscience and mine is one of them.
Hi James,
Greg already answered you and I support his answer, but let me weigh in as well.
The BEST investment that you can ever possibly make– at ANY time– is in yourself. If it were me, I would pick up The Blueprint even if you do not have the funds (yet) to invest on the scale that it usually uses.
You never know when you might receive a financial windfall: an inheritance, a business idea that suddenly takes off… once I actually had someone GIVE me several thousand dollars while I was working a program to help single moms, saying “I believe in what you are doing, if this helps, use it.” I reinvested that in the very program and was able to help many more single moms.
Another time a small business venture that I was partners in was purchased by a third party for almost $90K! I got half of that; a sudden windfall that weeks before didn’t seem possible.
You never know when you might come across opportunity. The question is what will you do with that opportunity? Your ‘options’ are limited by your knowledge and PREPAREDNESS.
So, while $3K is a bit low to be playing the options market, the $350 for The Blueprint invested right NOW can get you ready for when you do have more. Being prepared in advance will cut down on your learning curve in the future.
Say you suddenly had over $47,000 to use tomorrow that you did not today…. would you know what to do with it? Probably not. But if you had gotten The Blueprint and mastered the material already, you would not be playing ‘catch-up’.
Again, let me affirm Greg’s answer to you…. $3K is not a nest egg you should put into options plays just yet… but let me also state that your investment in yourself today may pay great dividends, sooner than you think. So think seriously about getting The Blueprint and getting started NOW to prepare for that day when you do have more capital and need to grow and protect it.
Traders, I have a short list of other books and materials that may be of assistance in your quest for wisdom:
For unique marketing, service, and business strategy: Anything by Seth Godin.
For taking your ideas and putting them into action, making your thoughts into material things: Anything by Napoleon Hill.
For facing facts, getting of your @ss and taking responsibility for your own life and money: Anything by Larry Winget.
For personal finance, bugeting, saving, and get-out-of-debt strategies: The Richest Man in Babylon and anything by Dave Ramsey.
For just about anything above and more: the Holy Bible. Whether or not you like everything else it says, most everything that’s good in the above books are derived from it. ‘Nuff said.
So think about picking up one or more of these great books, to make the one best investment you can ever make… one in your own knowledge and wisdom. Oh… and if you get to it, my book should be on the list too: The Blueprint, for limiting risk in your stock investments to single-digit percents, while leaving your upside potential open.
Happy Trading,