How a Karate Instructor learned to limit stock trading risk to 5%:
I'm Kurt Frankenberg, and I have discovered how to truly put the odds on the side on the individual investor.
It uses a principle that's been in front of our eyes all along, but is rarely used or understood.
Other systems advocate treating the stock market like a business. My system really does.
After making and losing what seemed to me like a fortune many times over, I finally decided to step back and see what it was that made some stock investors fail and others succeed.
I found that there are certain skills that successful investors have in common, even though their personality and approach to the market may be different.
I also found that the approaches that emphasized longer terms of holding, trading with the long-term trend, and having money management rules did the best.
One thing was lacking, however, and that was a true understanding of how to reduce one's risk by managing time. It is this principle that all RadioActive Trades are founded upon.
After learning my story and seeing my RadioActive Trading methodology, Ernie Zerenner, President of the Power Financial Group, Inc. publishers of PowerOptions®, started using it and decided to buy it for his PowerOptions subscribers, many of whom were trading covered calls, naked puts, collars and calendar call spreads with no protection against a downturn in the market (like most of 2008).
We pledge to give every investor the knowledge, services and tools that they need to be successful investors.
Whether you prefer to use self-directed tools to find and manage your trades or you prefer to trade along with our picks and management we publish in Fission - Power Financial Group, Inc. has what you need to be successful and protect your invested assets (capital preservation).
This site offers some free and some "pay-as-you-go" investor eduction, and the implementation products so you can quickly and easily start using this methodology to start trading.Tag Cloud
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RadioActive Profit Machines Archive
Trading RadioActively with a $3,000 Account
Posted on January 20, 2009 | No CommentsI began trading RadioActively with about $2,500. Now, I will mention that I had the good fortune to get in to AMZN at $16.09 on October 1st, 2002 (check your […] -
The “HOLY” GRAIL of Trading
Posted on January 10, 2009 | No CommentsThe new calculator can be obtained for free on the “Resources” page at along with PDF instructions and an inspiring NEW video. The calculator itself has been revamped to […] -
Forced Ideal Position Sized Trading
Posted on December 31, 2008 | No CommentsFirst of all, there are two proven portfolio management maxims: 1.) Never risk more than 0.5% – 2% of your total account in any one position and 2.) never risk […] -
Day Trading or RadioActive Trading?
Posted on December 27, 2008 | No CommentsOne thing to realize is that RadioActive positions are much longer term; you might set good-til-canceled order to execute one of the Income Methods and just check every now and […] -
Covered Calls and Naked Puts are NOT ‘Snake Oil’ But…
Posted on December 25, 2008 | 2 CommentsCovered calls and cash secured puts are not bad strategies or snake oil. But, they do have some flaws. If you had your entire net worth in them over the […] -
Using Low Priced Stocks for RadioActive Profit Machines
Posted on November 26, 2008 | No CommentsSpread Trade Systems did a great job of teaching you HOW to set up trades. You probably understand all kinds of ways to set up calendar, credit, and debit spreads. […]