What is the minimum starting captial to trade “RadioActively”?

I started trading RadioActively in 2002. My account was only $2,500 at the time.

Having said that, more is better. This is because it’s ideal to risk only 1% of one’s total capital in any one trade.

So, if you have $10k then it would be better to allocate $2k each to trades with 5% risk each. That would make your TOTAL risk 5% because 5% of $2k is $100 of risk in THAT particular trade… when you have five positions like that, that’s $500 of your $10k AT RISK. Thus, you have only 1% of your total capital exposed to loss in any one trade.

About Kurt Frankenberg

Kurt Frankenberg is an author and speaker about entrepreneurship, martial arts, and trading the stock and options markets. One of several "Biznesses" he founded as a teen, The Freedom School of Martial Arts, has been in continuous operation since 1986. Kurt lives in Colorado Springs with his wife Sabrina, German Shepherd Jovi, and his ninja cat Tabi.